Somerset Special Schools celebrate National Careers Week

Somerset Special Schools celebrate National Careers Week

Special Educational Needs. Somerset Expertise ( is a collaborative partnership between all special schools and specialist provision in Somerset. This includes ten schools, specialist provision within a primary school and supportive providers.

All schools in focus on how they prepare children and young people for their best adult life. This falls broadly under the following four areas:

1.     Employment

2.     Independent living

3.     Community inclusion

4.     Health

During National Careers Week (1-6 March), learners of all ages from across schools explored different careers to help them think about the future and what they may like to do.

Activities for younger learners

For younger learners, the week focussed on job roles and dressing up in different uniforms with role play activities. Links were also made to World Book Day (3 March) by sharing stories with a link to a job, such as fireman Sam.  Children also discovered how books are made and the different job roles involved, then created their own sensory book.

Activities for older learners

Older learners explored different jobs by taking part in virtual tours of workplaces with online employer engagement, live workshops with employers, completing online application forms and mock job interviews.

Information about traineeships were presented and skills assessments were undertaken to talk about future qualifications and opportunities. An employability skills workshop looked at how to prepare for transition to further education and helping students to develop vocational profiles.

Fairmead School virtually got an insight on working in a gym by taking part in an exercise class, joined a cooking session in a home kitchen, talked about rugby training pitch-side with Rugby Tots, took a tour of an IT company, looked around a garden and outdoor café and visited a number of home offices.

Headteacher at Critchill School, Sophie Addison, said: “Our work to prepare children and young people for adulthood is evidenced through our profoundly personalised Aspirational Curriculum, our CEIAG curriculum (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) and our Working Futures Programme. All of this is designed to prepare students for life by providing the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make informed choices and plans for their future learning and career.”

Further information and support for young people with SEND to help them prepare for adult life can be found on the Somerset Local Offer website here:

·       Apprenticeships

·       Traineeships

·       Supported internships

·       Support for work

Posted by Julie on April 1st 2021

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