eventsfor colleagues, families and the community

ICS feed Events for 2019

Past events Deputy Head Meeting

Thursday 17th January 2019 from 09:00 until 12:30

Venue: to be confirmed

Read more... Headteachers Meeting

Thursday 24th January 2019 from 09:00 until 12:30

Venue : to be confirmed


Somerset Local Offer - Roadshows Parent Carers

Somerset Local Offer - Roadshows Parent Carers

Wednesday 30th January 2019 from 10:00 until 13:00

Calling parent carers and young people! There’s a chance to find out what Somerset’s Local Offer can do for you. Somerset Parent Carer Forum are working with Somerset County Council and the Clinical Commissioning group to put on a series of roadshows across the county in January and February. There will be information stands which will show local families what’s on offer as well as various ways to feedback on local services and help shape provision in the future. The dates and venues are attached, please share with families.


Preparation for Adulthood Meeting

Friday 1st February 2019 from 13:00 until 15:30

Read more... Business Managers Meeting

Wednesday 6th February 2019 from 09:30 until 14:00 Business Managers Meeting Venue: Avalon


Somerset Garden Trust link

Monday 4th March 2019

Education & Schools How does the Trust support school garden projects? The Trust supports schools through grant aid for specified, viable and financially thought through projects. Each application is considered by the Education Committee before a site visit is made to the school.  Schools may also be supported by parents through either PTA or garden club input. The Com­mittee then allocates funding up to £350 towards the project. We also follow up the awards by receiving photographs of the completed project, re-visiting the school to see progress or even being invited to a grand opening of the scheme.

Read more... Deputy Head Meeting

Thursday 14th March 2019 from 09:00 until 15:30

Venue: confirmed as Critchill and a gentle reminder that this is an all day Meeting 9.00 am - 3.30 pm

Read more... Headteachers Meeting

Thursday 21st March 2019 from 09:00 until 15:30

Venue confirmed as Fiveways. Revised Time: This Meeting will now be All Day.

Read more... Joint INSET Day

Friday 5th April 2019 from 09:45 until 15:00 All Day Event: Joint INSET Venue: Westlands, Yeovil

Read more... Business Managers Meeting

Wednesday 1st May 2019 from 09:30 until 14:40 Business Managers Meeting Venue to be confirmed


Preparation for Adulthood Meeting

Friday 3rd May 2019 from 13:00 until 15:30

Read more... Deputy Head Meeting

Thursday 9th May 2019 from 09:00 until 12:30

Venue: to be confirmed

Read more... Headteachers Meeting

Thursday 16th May 2019 from 09:00 until 12:30

Venue: to be confirmed

Read more... Deputy Head Meeting

Thursday 4th July 2019 from 09:00 until 12:30

Venue: to be confirmed

Read more... Headteachers Meeting

Thursday 18th July 2019 from 09:00 until 17:30

Save The Date Venue: to be confirmed


Recruiting Now

Tuesday 15th October 2019

Somerset Supporters Service We support children (0-18years) who have a disability and need help to access their local community. We need fun, positive, enthusiastic people who enjoy working with children to join our bank of casual employees! Supporters are required to work a minimum of 4 hours a month and participate in mandatory training. Supporters are paid at a rate of £9.55 per hour plus a holiday enhancement.


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